Since I got that Police Virus and I lost all of my fla files, I thought it would be a waste to just let the swf files go to waste. So here's a link to the dumps off all the work I still have from my old Kriesis series for episode 2 (which is never going to get finished since I lost all the work)
Kriesis Old scenes (unfinished, may have faults):
Introduction 7d5ea9d33194fe435b3d
Confrontation 4c6109e4fd422dcf9108
Elevator (one of my favorite scenes n_n) adf92756485ca539f058
Menu b9eb1eac2cd8334e8817
The Challenge: cb925cbc6602039151b0
Voice actors:
Ethan Always
David Armstrong
Haley Garn
Rachel Messer
Djinn-AndTonic - Relaxing Beat
SSJ Dre (can't remember but check out his page)
Ludzix - menu based loop
So yeah after the little virus setback, I decided to work on a new project during summer. I'm really excited about this project because I've gotten so much better at frame by frame animation and story telling since Kriesis so this project will be even better. I already have 2 characters drawn out and working on more, the story has many possibilities and now I'm just looking for characters to fit into it. If anyone has any suggestions or wants to see one of their characters appear in it let me know. It's going to be non-profit..... as far as I know. The name for it is.... going to be "chaos..... something" or "something chaos" or "chaotic...." i dunno but it's going to be chaos related because i like that word XD Here are the 2 characters that I've started with in case anyone wanted to see them :)
Sooo.... Yeah. I'll try my best to keep Newgrounds Updated.
PS. If there are any voice actors out there that would like to help me with this Independant project just send me a link to your demo or send me a pm and we can work something out. Plus hearing voices helps me create new characters. So send them in.... well I doubt anyone reads this post anyway XD